Hi, I'm Matt and this is my garage...sorry for the mess!
It was Christmas 2014. I was sitting at the kitchen table, with my sketch pad and pencil.
As a freelance designer, I create logos for companies however on this day, I was going to create my own, something that represented my passion for vintage goaltending...and that’s when the 'Flying Mask' logo was born!
Where did my passion for goaltending start? Let me take you back to my childhood.
As a young boy growing up in southern Ontario, I loved to explore junkyards and garage sales. Anything that had a unique design and showed it's age, rust!
Old padlocks, advertising, bottle caps, car badges, hood ornaments, and the list goes on!!
So where does my love for goaltending come from? Well, funny enough, I was the only kid, in a family of 6, who loved the hockey. My childhood friend played competitive hockey and I attended most of his games at the 'Mountain Arena' in Hamilton, Ontario. His dad was a big Gretzky fan and he recorded Oilers games (and Kings games when Wayne got traded). So after school and weekends, my friend and I would watch recorded games in his basement.
So which goalies stood out for me? To name a 'few': Kelly Hrudey, Grant Fuhr, Andy Moog, Bill Ranford, Freddy Brathwaite, Curtis Joseph, Bob Essensa, Kirk McLean, Jon Casey, Eddie Belfour, Ron Tugnutt, Tim Cheveldae, Mike Vernon and the list goes on.
All of this (and a being a goalie myself) created a desire and passion to preserve the roots of goaltending.
In 2007, my ultimate dream came true - I was hired by Mission-ITECH Hockey to work as a Product Developer in their Goalie Department. In 2009, I would continue this role, but now with Nike-Bauer Hockey, focusing specifically on goalie masks. Combined, I had the privilege to develop goalie equipment for 5 years. I consider this a true privilege and honour.
Goaltending history is so rich and I believe there is great value keeping it on the surface, shared in social media, not buried away books.
Since 2014, I have been taking photographs of old goalie gear. I like to think of myself as a 'preserver', at least that's what I keep telling my wife :).
Thanks! - Matt. Owner of Vintage Goalie Inc.